Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blown awaaaayyyyy!!!!

Today is so super duper windy!  We had to keep our beloved carnival mirror indoors for fear it would come crashing over.  Other than that, it's been a fun, sunshine filled day full of treats and nice people.  We finally got our shipment of Ye Olde English Dunnys, so that should keep all the vinyl toy heads happy.  Lots of new craft kits, whoopie cushions, bike horns, fart whistles and more also made it to us today.  Can you really have a bad day at a place where you get to hear people of all ages laugh at fart sounds?  I didn't think so...

Well, I am heading back to NYC for Toy Fair 2K9.  I'll let you know what I find.  Til then- be safe and Happy Valentine's Day!